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Representing a vivifying generation of UK & International fine artists

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A Brush through Imperial Eyes

Great to see the first draft of the cover of Chris Mawby's latest book 'Terracotta'. It's definitely looking in the right direction...

Matt Sayers - The Night Painter

In as much as light fractures the peace of night, darkness can wrap itself around the brightest sherd and create an intimate glow. An...

IN the public eye

There's a palpable vibe of anticipation buzzing through the art world just now. Spring is here, gallery doors are open and the lights are...

Eliza Brown - Spreading her wings in Seattle

It's common knowledge that Eliza Brown is a great traveller; she welcomes the changing seasons and vistas and is just as at home on a...

Going Home: Hawes Street: Tunstall

...dark thoughts compounded by fears jolted into hope-laden tears unrelenting undisturbed reveries in pillars of being Imbued with...

Studio or Sanctuary? Or Both?

Lockdown: Mankind has been monumentally stiffed by circumstance and the globe is gradually grinding to a halt. Retail has all but gone to...

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